Not too long ago, I was headed to a Fearless event where I was going to be speaking, and as I was walking out the door, my little girl, who is five years old, an a huge Fearless fan and supporter, shouted, "Mom - BE FEARLESS!"

When she said it, I immediately got emotional, hugged her, and got in the car. As I drove away, I began reflecting on what she said, "Mom, Be Fearless." Why did I get emotional?
I was going to speak with ladies about fear and anxiety, and I was feeling anything but fearless. Speaking is one of the things that brings me fear and anxiety, but I do it because I know God has called me to share. Often I argue with God similar to when Moses told God He should send someone else that spoke more eloquently, and God told him, "Who gave you your mouth, is it not I the Lord? Now go, and I will help you speak and will teach you what to say!" Exodus 4:12.
I took the time to pray and asked God to help me be more fearless. To trust that if He had called me to do it, he would help me through it! To believe that He would give me the words to say and allow others to gain something from it.
What does it mean to be fearless?
Fearless means: free from fear, not afraid, brave, bold. Can we be fearless, free from fear, not afraid? I mean, don't we all have fears? Isn't it just part of being a human living in this fallen world? Yes it is, but we don't have to live in fear.
Fear Steals
Fear can steal our confidence, fear can steal our joy, and anxiety can steal our peace. It can steal our calling and purpose in life. Jesus tells us in John 16:33 NIV, "In me, you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Two ways to be Fearless
The cross makes you fearless. That is why our logo has a cross in it. Do you see it?

Because Jesus died on the cross for you, now you can have eternal life. It was His Fearless Rescue mission for you.
Romans 5:8-But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
2. Focus on Jesus.
Hebrews 12:2 - Keep your eyes on Jesus, the author, and perfecter of our faith
Isaiah 26:3 NLT- You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you all whose thoughts are fixed on you!
How to keep your eyes focused on Jesus?
Pray. Talking to God continually about any and everything. He asks us to cast our anxieties on Him because He cares for us, 1 Peter 5:7. He wants a relationship with you.
Read the Bible - Read the Bible every day. It is God's love letter to you. It is His written, inspired living word available to help you learn more about Him and grow in your relationship with Him.
Be involved in a Godly Community - Surround yourself with like-minded Godly people; iron sharpens iron, Proverbs 27:17. You can do this through a local Christ-Centered Bible Reading church or something like our Fearless impact groups.
Listen to Christian Worship Music/Christian Podcasts/Read Christian books.
Jennie Allen says, "Allow God to take up so much space in our thinking that our fears will shrink in comparison."
You can be fearless through faith and by keeping your eyes on Jesus + the cross!

Proudly sport a FEARLESS shirt this summer. Snag one here.

SUMMER is HERE and we are continuing the excitement of the sunshine AND our new logo and branding for Fearless Unite. To celebrate, we are launching a summer sale with fun ways for you to link arms with us and take that excitement to the next level!
Have you worn your Fearless shirt on vacation, to a fun summer adventure, while being still on your Sabbath? We want to hear about it! Send us a picture rocking your new tee and we can share on our socials along with your @handle & how you are FEARLESS this summer. You will earn an entry into our giveaway to win (1) free ticket to our Freedom Thoughts event at 2Rivers Church on September 24th
Earn double entries by sharing your Fearless apparel and tagging us! #fearlesssummer
We can't wait to see where all Fearless has been with you! To shop, visit the Fearless Store.